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Victoria has spent most of her life as a mixed medium artist, experimenting with all types and combinations of mediums and surfaces. Over the years she has explored many areas of wildlife and natural history subjects, and has achieved many awards for her images of wolves. 

For Victoria, drawing is the most exciting and important part of producing art. It is in the observation and recording that she learns about, and develops an understanding of the subject she has chosen to study. Most of her work is drawn directly from life or from a combination of observed drawings, studies, notes and photographs that she has taken herself.  In her recent work her subject is British trees throughout the seasons. Victoria loves all seasons of the year as each has its own natural and unique beauty. However she finds that winter trees are the most exciting and interesting as the bare bones or skeleton of the tree are clearly visible. This also helps to give her an understanding of how and why the tree leaves sit and hang from the branches. 

In these times of what seems to be a complete disregard and destruction of trees and hedgerows by many, in favour of concrete environments and straight cut lines and over cut habitats.  Victoria feels she needs to record her observations of our beautiful trees without which we would not be here. 

Her work is a combination of realism but at the same time has a mystical and etherial quality. 

Victoria is an Ambassador for the Latvian company Deep Deep Light Watercolours which are Artist grade hand made watercolours using as many natural pigments as possible and mulled using honey, gum arabic, and essential oil. The containers are filled and wrapped by hand and therefore the paints have a low carbon footprint. The colours are totally unique and as natural in colour as possible and are light fast. 

Over the last four years she has been successful in having work selected for the highly respected Earth Pathways Diaries and Calendars. The Earth Pathways is a thriving community of like minded and open hearted people who care about the Earth and a sustainable future for all. 


"We need nature for our mental and physical wellbeing, Having always had an affinity with nature and our kinship with all life on this amazing planet whether it be walking, running, swimming, crawling or flying. Our connection to nature is as important as breathing. We all rely on each other for our existence, it is for this reason I continue to work, In hope that my art will in some way help and encourage others to be aware and treasure all the diverse life and habitats on earth and above it."

Victoria has been a member of MIWAS showing regularly every year in the Annual Exhibition at Marwell Zoo with Pip McGarry and other artists,  and later with MIWAS at Rooksbury Park. Victoria has also exhibited with AAA  at Frodsham Cheshire and the NWAS at Banham Zoo Norfolk. Due to time restrictions that teaching has on her work schedule Victoria is now only a member of TWASI and the UKCPS

Among Victoria’s awards are:

  • The Best Wildlife Painting at Menier Gallery London with the UKCPS in 2017 with a coloured pencil painting "Partners." 

  • In 2013 she received A Commended (3rd place) with “Portrait of a Wolf” in the BBC Wildlife artist of the year competition at MIWAS Exhibition. This large piece of work showed many postures and expressions of the wolf during its every day life. 

  •  In 2011 received a Gold Citation for a coloured pencil painting called “The Alpha” with in the TWASI Annual Exhibition.

  • In 2010 received the Best Public Vote in the UKCPS exhibition with a portrait called “Cheza”

  • In 2012 she was awarded a Highly Commended in Wildscape Magazine Artist of the Year  with an image called “Fight for Alpha “

  •  Victoria was also short listed for the David Shepherd Wildlife Artist of the year with two coloured pencil paintings. “Looking at me Looking at you“ which shows an chimpanzee with a sack wrapped around him and laying on a shelf in his pen. The second image shortlisted was an image entitled "The Amur Prince" which was a study of the endangered Amur Leopard. 


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